"A few of my patients
woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of
blood," related Dr Lee. "The engorged
veins probably burst due to the patient scratching
or rubbing their legs against the bed sheet.
Dr Lee treats a wide range of vein-related problems.
Many patients present themselves with large deep
painful ulcers on their legs. Often, they have
had these ulcers for some time, and dress them
repeatedly, hoping that they will go away. But
this type of ulcer will not heal unless the underlying
problem is treated.
When everything is working well, the leg muscles
pump and propel the blood towards the heart and
the valves within the veins prevent the backflow.
The vein starts to become varicose when these
valves fail in this function. The backflow builds
pressure within the vein, causing the veins to
be bulgy and wiry. The leg starts to swell when
the fluid from the veins is forced out into the
surrounding tissues. As the sweelling becomes
worse, the patient will start to feel heaviness
and in the later stages develop pain in the legs.
Other serious complications may arise. Thrombophlebitis
due to infection of the varicose vein. Lipodermatosclerosis,
where the skin darkens and hardens, leading to
an apprearance like an upside down champagne bottle.
This is due to the red blood cells being forced
out into the surrounding tissues. Eventually,
some of these patients may develop venous ulcers.